
Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that enhances the size and shape of your breasts to make them look larger, more proportional, or more curvaceous. This procedure involves insertion of a silicone implant either above or below the muscle through a small incision under the breast. Breast augmentation is suitable for women who want to increase their cup size or reverse the effects of age, weight fluctuations, asymmetry, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

Breast Lift

Breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure to reposition sagging or drooping breast tissues. The procedure makes your breasts appear perkier, positioning the nipples higher on the chest wall. Breast lifts also involve removing excess skin and fat tissues to tighten your breasts, making them appear firm, taut, and youthful. A breast lift is ideal for women who have lost youthfulness in their breasts because of age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, genetics, or weight loss.

Breast Augmentation with Lift

Also known as augmentation-mastopexy, a breast augmentation with lift combines the benefits of both augmentation with an implant and a lift. This procedure is ideal for patients that are candidates for a breast lift but are seeking additional volume or cleavage as well.

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure that removes excess breast tissue and skin from the breasts to reduce their size. This procedure is suitable for women with overly large breasts that cause neck pain, back pain, and other problems such as shoulder strap grooving and rashes under the breasts. It’s also suitable for women with asymmetric breasts. In many cases, breast reduction is covered by insurance.


Liposuction is suitable for patients who have trouble eliminating stubborn pockets of fat, despite their best attempts through natural methods, like workouts and dieting. Sometimes, traditional methods fail to reduce stubborn pockets of fat because you can’t spot-reduce with general weight loss methods.

Liposuction, however, is a body contouring procedure that removes targeted pockets of fat. It removes unwanted pockets of fat without addressing your overall body weight.

360-degree liposuction contouring that will address both the abdomen and back. This can be combined with other procedures such as a tummy tuck.

Tummy Tuck

The traditional tummy tuck is designed to flatten and contour the abdomen. It involves an incision that extends from hip-to-hip, along with a cut around the naval. It addresses loose skin particularly when you have an overhang. It also involves repairing the muscle separation and repositions the belly button. It’s commonly performed due to pregnancy, weight loss and age-related changes to the abdominal area. Dr. Griffin commonly performs tummy tucks in combination with other procedures.


A mini tummy tuck is a modified and less invasive form of the traditional abdominoplasty procedure. Like a full tummy tuck, it aims to tighten and strengthen the abdominal muscles and remove excess skin tissues, however the bellybutton is not moved and the muscle tightening is limited to the lower abdomen.

This procedure may be ideal for patients that have laxity of the lower abdomen but are relatively flat in the upper abdomen. More extensive liposuction is able to be performed as well.

Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian butt lift or BBL is a popular cosmetic procedure which gives your buttocks a more voluminous and shapely appearance. The procedure essentially involves transferring fat tissues from other parts of your body to the buttocks. Fat from undesirable parts of the body, such as the abdomen and thighs, are suctioned out via liposuction, processed, and reinjected into the buttocks creating a more curvaceous silhouette.

Dr. Griffin uses a safe subcutaneous technique and can combine this with other procedures such as a tummy tuck.

Body contouring in the weight loss patient, whether from bariatric surgery or from diet and exercise chosen by individuals who have lost a large amount of weight and now struggle with excess, loose tissue due to loss of elastic tissue in the skin. Often, this remaining tissue cannot be treated with diet and exercise alone and must be removed with surgery.

Arm Lift

Arm lift, also known as brachioplasty is a cosmetic surgery that makes your upper arms look tighter, more toned, and more defined. The procedure removes unwanted fat, removes excess skin, and tightens the remaining skin to give you toned and taut arms.

This procedure is common among bariatric and weight loss patients with sagging skin or fat under the upper arms.

Extended Arm Lift

An extended brachioplasty or arm lift is similar to the traditional arm lift however the incision is extended into the armpit in order to address the excess tissue in this area. This technique can also contour and tighten laxity of the back.

This procedure is common among bariatric and weight loss patients with sagging skin or fat under the upper arms.

Back Lift

Back lift or bra line excision is a procedure that removes the excess skin and fat of the upper back. Similar to other procedures performed following weight loss, the bra line excision can eliminate this problematic area that can make wearing a bra difficult. This procedure is often combined with liposuction for additional contouring.

Fleur De Lis Abdominoplasty

A fleur de lis is decorative symbol of a flower has 3 distinct petals. The fleur de lis tummy tuck or abdominoplasty differs from the traditional tummy tuck as it has both horizonal and vertical skin excision pattern similar to the flower symbol. This will result in a scar that appears as an upside-down T.

This procedure is common among bariatric and weight loss patients that have excess skin and fat in the central abdomen and/or the sides.

Body Lift

A body lift, also known as circumferential abdominoplasty, is an extensive technique that includes abdominoplasty, combined with correction of excess skin on the back. Incisions include the standard tummy tuck incision as well as extension of the abdominal scar all the way around the back.

Thigh Lift

A thigh lift a cosmetic surgery that makes your thighs tighter, more toned, and more defined. The procedure removes unwanted fat, removes excess skin, and tightens the excess skin to give you more contoured thighs.

This procedure is common among bariatric and weight loss patients with sagging skin of the thighs following weight loss.

Dr. Griffin will often perform liposuction of the thighs at an initial surgery to remove extra fat prior to performing thigh lift at least 3 months later.

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